Drawing and painting in english | Kam s dětmi – aktivity pro děti a jejich rodiče

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Drawing and painting in english

Foto: Ing. arch. Nina Hedwic Mainerová

> Termín

13.5.2013 - 19.5.2014

> Hodnocení

0  (0x)

> Pro děti ve věku:


> Popis

Schedule: Studio Prague 2, Thursday 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (drawing and painting), MgA. Tomáš Spěvák. Classes are offered either in regular 120-minute blocks, or multiple-day courses and workshops, held on weekdays in the afternoons and early evening hours Painting (still life, landscape, urban space, figure drawing) Painting (still life, landscape, urban space, figure drawing, fantasy) Computer Modelling & Visualization Photography Special Techniques (silk painting, gilding, encaustic, asphalt painting and more ...) Combined Technique Basics of Filming Our studio also holds art camps and workshops in the open air, with various themes (landscape small scale, landscape large scale, architectural environments - exterior, interior, detail...). External teachers from the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, Brno, FVU, FA CTU in Prague are invited to all the open air workshops. VŠUP in Prague, as consultants: Landscape Drawing (detail, architectural space, natural landscape...) Landscape Painting (detail, architectural space, natural landscape...) Individual Programmes (according to skill level and course type) Final Exhibition (artwork on display for public viewing) Experimental Design (draft, sculpture) Lectures by Leading Czech and Foreign Lecturers from Various Disciplines Quotes from an external teacher Martin Mainer: "Our teaching approach aims to develop the kind of thinking, which allows the creation of art at the highest possible level, under the given conditions and circumstances and depending on the teacher's personality and ability to teach... student’s talent, their diligence and ability to act, as well as to develop ... I think this is more or less successful... we like passionate, hardworking and positive people... a team, one must realize, is a powerful teacher and one of the major aspects of the training and the opportunity to learn ...classes are of course very individual and respect the rhythm of developing artistic potential; only rarely, if at all, is someone discouraged, or directed in a different direction... supposedly my motto is, as Zbyňa Linhar once said:”let "us" flounder and wallow in the painting on our own”... the teacher is also an older colleague, who protects and guarantees the functioning of the studio... but why is the aesthetic such, and not different? both within the studio, as well as individually, and the types of approaches, philosophies etc. which the students use, are all completely the responsibility of the individual and their interaction and response to the school, teachers and life... we are a group of adults, free human beings - men and women - with the maximum tolerance and helpfulness to one another, and I hope more and more awareness responsibility for ourselves, our own artistic development, our direction and potential success and growth of our artistic and human personality... I always reiterate, much to the annoyance of some that we are spiritual being... therefore study in line with the visual arts and spiritual philosophy and systems of civilization and humanity in general.... the studio is open to all types of artistic expression, be it painting, intermediary or another... the instructors’ experience typically includes painting, drawing, graphics, small sculpture, photography – standard type of stuff... nothing more... we love strong intelligent people.... don’t expect somebody to say to you: you shouldn’t do this, or you can’t do this... on the contrary, you can do anything, but of course we evaluate the quality and strength of presence and energy, the results of hard work... which we insist upon... " Více zde: http://www.malovanikresleni.cz/products/drawing-painting-in-english/

> Otevírací doba

10:00 - 20:00

> Kontakt

Kraj: Praha
Město: Praha
Ulice: Balbínova 28

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